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How To Create Your Own Font

A while ago, I shared that I had created my own font from my handwriting on Instagram and I had quite a few comments and messages asking how I did it. I thought I'd share by writing a step-by-step guide on here:

  1. Go to

  2. Register for a free account or log in.

  3. Create a template. Choose your language and the characters you would like to include in your font. For a free account, you can only have 75 glyphs (or characters!) per font. I chose the basic English letters in capital and lower-case, basic punctuation and numbers 0-9.

  4. Once you have created your template, download it. You can either download it to your iPad (if you have Procreate or another app where you can digitally fill in the template), or print it out and complete it by hand.

  5. Fill it in! Write your letters/characters in each box, making sure to stay within the guidelines. Make sure to consider the guidelines for the sizing of your letters!

  6. Once you are done, either scan the completed template into your computer or share it from your iPad.

  7. Click 'My Fonts' and 'Upload template'. Make sure to include all of the pages so that they are included in your font!

  8. Check each character, making sure it looks good! If you want to edit any - go back to your template, edit them and reupload.

  9. Add characters to your font. You can 'Edit font details' to change the sizing of your letters, the spacing between each and the size of word spacing.

  10. Then, 'Build font' and give your font a name!

  11. Once processed, you can preview your font and see how it looks. By clicking on 'Size comparison', you can see how your letters compare to other fonts. If they are slightly off, or if you want to edit them, you can click on 'Edit font details' and then 'font size' to resize particular letters and/or to move them up or down.

  12. Once you're happy with your font, it's time to download! I always download the .otf file for my fonts.

Stay tuned for part two, where I'll explain how to import your font to your iPad or computer so that you can use it for your projects (or use it on your website!)

If you do make your own fonts after reading this, please tag me! I'd love to see.


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Oct 26, 2021

This would make a great project for middle school and up! Thanks for the step-by-step instructions! Tweet me @Sister_Su


Aug 26, 2021

That's an interesting thing that I wasn't aware of. I'm surely going to give this a try. Thanks for sharing. @Atulmaharaj /

Sep 04, 2021
Replying to

Ahh amazing! Let me know if you do - I'd love to see :)


Aug 22, 2021

This is so cool Jemma! I'm definitely going to try this soon x

Caroline |

Aug 22, 2021
Replying to

Yessss definitely do it! I'd love to see yours ☺️

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